Universitas Brawijaya | Building Up Noble Future
The 1st Brawijaya International Conference on Business and Law (BICoBL) 2022
We are pleased to invite you to the 1st Brawijaya International Conference on Business and Law (BICoBL) 2022. It is scheduled on Thursday, October 27th 2022 held online using Zoom meeting.
The conference will include presentations from our excellent speakers:
- Prof. Hassan Qaqaya (Melbourne University, AUSTRALIA)
- Dr. Sukarmi (Universitas Brawijaya, INDONESIA)
- Dr. Derry Tanti Wijaya (Boston University, USA)
- Dr. Radityo Handrito (Universitas Brawijaya, INDONESIA)
We promote “Collaboration of Business and Law After Pandemic to Enhance Sustainable Development” as the conference theme. The conference will include presentations from plenary speakers, discussion in plenary sessions, and presentation of original research results related to topics: Marketing, Human resource management, Business strategy, Financial management, Business digital, Taxation, Corporate governance, Public policy and public service, Administrative and constitution law, Civil law, Criminal law, Business law, and International law.
For further information, please visit our website at http://www.bicobl.ub.ac.id/