Universitas Brawijaya | Building Up Noble Future
Period VI Graduation Ceremony of 2018/2019
Related to the Period VI Graduation 2018/2019, we would like to inform the following:
- Period VI graduation will be held on Desember 15, 2018 in Samantha Krida Building UB.
- There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant quota. Participants who cannot attend the ceremony may attend the next period ceremony and pay the fees as regulated.
- Rehearsal of the graduation will be held on Friday December 14, 2018 at 15.00 WIB in Samantha Krida Building UB.
- Students may take invitation on their respective faculties after faculties take the invitation from rectorate.
- Fee for the graduation ceremony can be paid to BNI46 account of Rektor UB No: 0039649406.
Such is the announcement, thank you for your attention and cooperation.
on behalf of Rector
Vice Rector I
Prof. Dr. Ir. Kusmartono
NIP. 195904061985031005