Universitas Brawijaya | Building Up Noble Future
Graduation Ceremony Period XI and XII for academic year 2021/2022
In order to keep supporting the government’s efforts and to break the spread of Covid-19, and to keep following implementation of UB’s Rector Rule Number 35 of year 2020 concerning the Implementation of the Universitas Brawijaya Resilient Campus during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and also to follow the Rector’s Instruction of Number 8485 of year 2021 concerning Academic Activities, Student Affairs, and Non-Academic Activities for the Odd Semester 2021/2022, we hereby inform you the procedures and schedules for the Universitas Brawijaya Graduation Ceremony for Academic Year 2021/2022:
- Universitas Brawijaya Graduation Ceremony currently will be held online.
- Online Graduation Ceremony will be scheduled as the following:
Period Day /Date / Time Activity XI Friday/ June 3, 2022 / 15.15 WIB – finish
Rehearsal Saturday/ June 4,, 2022 / 08.00 WIB – finish
Graduation Procession XII Saturday/ June 4, 2022 / 15.15 WIB – finish
Rehearsal Sunday/ June 5, 2022 / 08.00 WIB – finish
Graduation Procession - Graduates fill out the confirmation form for Graduation Implementation completely and correctly via the link: http://bit.ly/wisudaUB using the same NIM and Telephone Number when registering for graduation on the SIAM application. Fill in the confirmation form no later than May 25 at 23.59 WIB, after that date there will be no cancellation and addition services. Failure to confirm is considered to have resigned from the scheduled graduation procession. If graduates have problems logging in, please send an email to [email protected] / contact no, WA 082131424040;
- Graduates who were unable to attend the online graduation procession in the previous period and plan to attend in the current periods of the academic year 2021/2022 does not need to fill out the graduation confirmation form on the link. Repeating graduates only need to confirm to the staff of the Faculty / Program for further reporting to the graduation committee.
- Invitations, Zoom Meeting links, and virtual background meetings used by graduates during the procession will be sent to the email address that has been filled in on the graduation confirmation form the day before the graduation procession is held;
- The Graduation Procession in the period uses the “Toga” which had been sent by the Faculty/Program. Graduates who have not received the Toga are expected to immediately confirm with their respective Faculties/Programs. The provisions for clothing at the time of the procession are as follows:
- Male graduates wear white shirts with black ties, neat, face clearly visible and in a toga without a faculty necklace (gordon)
- Female graduates wear national clothes if possible or adjust to existing conditions but still neat, clearly visible faces and wearing a toga without a faculty necklace (gordon).
- The distribution of diplomas is carried out by the Faculties/Programs with the mechanism and time of collection that have been determined by the respective Faculties/Programs. The distribution of diplomas can begin after the distribution of diplomas to faculties/programs is completed, which is no later than three – four days after the graduation procession.
We hope for the cooperation of the Dean and Director to inform and coordinate the graduates at the Faculty/Program so that the online graduation procession and the distribution of diplomas can run in an orderly, smooth and in accordance with the Covid-19 Health protocol.
Thus, for your attention and good cooperation, we thank you.
on behalf of Rector
Vice Rector I,
Prof. Dr. Aulanni’am, drh., DES