Category Pengumuman

Graduation Period V and VI 2023/2024

  Sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan Wisuda Universitas Brawijaya, kami informasikan jadwal dan tata cara pelaksanaan Wisuda Tahun Akademik 2023/2024 sebagai berikut: Jadwal wisuda: Periode Hari/Tanggal / Waktu Kegiatan PERIODE V Jum’at / 24 November 2023 /  pukul 15.30 – 17.30 WIB…

Graduation Period III and IV 2023/2024

  Hereby we inform you of the schedule and procedures for the implementation of Universitas Brawijaya Graduation for Academic Year 20223/2024 as follows: Brawijaya University’s graduation procession for now will be held offline The offline Graduation event will be scheduled…

Graduation Period I and II 2023/2024

  Hereby we inform you of the schedule and procedures for the implementation of Universitas Brawijaya Graduation for Academic Year 202232024 as follows: Brawijaya University’s graduation procession for now will be held offline The offline Graduation event will be scheduled…

Registrasi Mahasiswa Lama Universitas Brawijaya Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2023/2024 Program Diploma, Sarjana, dan Pascasarjana

PENGUMUMAN Nomor: 9673 REGISTRASI MAHASISWA LAMA UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA SEMESTER GANJIL TAHUN AKADEMIK 2023/2024 PROGRAM DIPLOMA (VOKASI), SARJANA, DAN PASCASARJANA   Diumumkan kepada seluruh Mahasiswa Lama Universitas Brawijaya untuk melakukan registrasi semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2023/2024 dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: I. Registrasi…

Graduation Period XVII and XVIII 2022/2023

  Hereby we inform you of the schedule and procedures for the implementation of Universitas Brawijaya Graduation for Academic Year 2022/2023 as follows: Brawijaya University’s graduation procession for now will be held offline The offline Graduation event will be scheduled…

Graduation Period XV and XVI 2022/2023

  Hereby we inform you of the schedule and procedures for the implementation of Universitas Brawijaya Graduation for Academic Year 2022/2023 as follows: Brawijaya University’s graduation procession for now will be held offline The offline Graduation event will be scheduled…

Graduation Period XIII and XIV 2022/2023

  Hereby we inform you of the schedule and procedures for the implementation of Universitas Brawijaya Graduation for Academic Year 2022/2023 as follows: Brawijaya University’s graduation procession for now will be held offline The offline Graduation event will be scheduled…