Category Pengumuman

TOEFL ITP Schedule for July (I) 2018

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT IN UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA FOR July (I) 2018 INBIS 2nd FLOOR The test of TOEFL ITP will be held on: Day    :  Tuesday & Thursday Date    : July 3 & 5, 2018 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR,…

Period XII Graduation Ceremony of 2017/2018

Related to the Period XII Graduation 2017/2018, we would like to inform the following: Period XII graduation will be held on July 7, 2018 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant quota.…

TOEFL ITP Schedule for May (II) 2018

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT IN UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA FOR May (II) 2018 INBIS 2nd FLOOR The test of TOEFL ITP will be held on: Day    :  Wednesday – Thursday Date    : May 30 – 31, 2018 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR,…

TOEFL ITP Schedule for May (I) 2018

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT IN UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA FOR May (I) 2018 INBIS 2nd FLOOR The test of TOEFL ITP will be held on: Day    : Tuesday – Wednesday Date    : May 15 – 16, 2018 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR,…

Beware of Scams

We’ve noticed that there are few short messages going around, which claimed to be sent by the Rector and Vice Rector of Universitas Brawijaya and other Higher Education officials. As such, we would like to clarify that any of those…

TOEFL ITP Schedule for April (I) 2018

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT IN UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA FOR April (I) 2018 INBIS 2nd FLOOR The test of TOEFL ITP will be held on: Day    : Tuesday – Thursday Date    : April 17 – 19, 2018 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR,…