Category Pengumuman

TOEFL ITP – Period II 2019 Schedule

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA PERIOD II 2019 INBIS 2nd FLOOR TOEFL ITP test will be held on: Day    :  Friday Date    : January 25th, 2019 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR, VETERAN  STREET NO. 10-11, MALANG Time    : 07.30…

TOEFL ITP – Period I 2019 Schedule

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA PERIOD I 2019 INBIS 2nd FLOOR TOEFL ITP test will be held on: Day    :  Tuesday Date    : January 22nd, 2019 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR, VETERAN  STREET NO. 10-11, MALANG Time    : 07.30…

Period VII Graduation Ceremony of 2018/2019

Related to the Period VII Graduation 2018/2019, we would like to inform the following: Period VII graduation will be held on January 19, 2019 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant quota.…

Perubahan Jadwal Registrasi Mahasiswa Lama UB Semester Genap 2018/2019

PENGUMUMAN Nomor: 12956 Perubahan Jadwal Pelaksanaan Registrasi Mahasiswa Lama Universitas Brawijaya Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2018/2019 Program Diploma (Vokasi), Sarjana, dan Pascasarjana   Diumumkan kepada seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya Perubahan jadwal pelaksanaan registrasi semester Genap tahun akademik 2018/2019 sebagai berikut:…

Universitas Brawijaya Accreditation

Berdasarkan Keputusan BAN-PT No. 328/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/XII/2018, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) berhasil mempertahankan nilai akreditasi A . Dengan demikian, UB dinyatakan terakreditasi dengan peringkat A selama lima tahun kedepan, sejak 4 Desember 2018 hingga 4 Desember 2023. Selamat kepada civitas akademika UB, dan…

Period VI Graduation Ceremony of 2018/2019

Related to the Period VI Graduation 2018/2019, we would like to inform the following: Period VI graduation will be held on Desember 15, 2018 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant quota.…

Car Free Day Brawijaya 2018 Road Closure

Announcement No: 11949 Subject: Road Closure Notice To our academic members, In accordance with “Car Free Day Brawijaya” event, which will be held at: Date: Friday, November 30th, 2018 Time : 05.00 – 10.00 WIB Place : Universitas Brawijaya Roundabout…