Category Pengumuman

Period X Graduation Ceremony of 2018/2019

Related to the Period X Graduation 2018/2019, we would like to inform the following: Period X graduation will be held on Saturday April 27, 2019 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant…

TOEFL ITP – Period VII 2019 Schedule

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA PERIOD VII 2019 INBIS 2nd FLOOR TOEFL ITP test will be held on: Day    :  Thursday Date    : March 28th, 2019 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR, VETERAN  STREET NO. 10-11, MALANG Time    : 07.30…

TOEFL ITP – Period VI 2019 Schedule

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA PERIOD VI 2019 INBIS 2nd FLOOR TOEFL ITP test will be held on: Day    :  Tuesday Date    : March 26th, 2019 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR, VETERAN  STREET NO. 10-11, MALANG Time    : 07.30…

TOEFL ITP – Period V 2019 Schedule

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA PERIOD V 2019 INBIS 2nd FLOOR TOEFL ITP test will be held on: Day    :  Thursday Date    : March 21st, 2019 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR, VETERAN  STREET NO. 10-11, MALANG Time    : 07.30…

Period IX Graduation Ceremony of 2018/2019

Related to the Period IX Graduation 2018/2019, we would like to inform the following: Period IX graduation will be held on Saturday March 16, 2019 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant…

TOEFL ITP – Period IV 2019 Schedule

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA PERIOD IV 2019 INBIS 2nd FLOOR TOEFL ITP test will be held on: Day    :  Thursday Date    : February 21st, 2019 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR, VETERAN  STREET NO. 10-11, MALANG Time    : 07.30…

TOEFL ITP – Period III 2019 Schedule

TOEFL ITP TEST ANNOUNCEMENT UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA PERIOD III 2019 INBIS 2nd FLOOR TOEFL ITP test will be held on: Day    :  Thursday Date    : February 14th, 2019 Place    : INBIS 2nd FLOOR, VETERAN  STREET NO. 10-11, MALANG Time    : 07.30…

Period VIII Graduation Ceremony of 2018/2019

Related to the Period VIII Graduation 2018/2019, we would like to inform the following: Period VIII graduation will be held on February 23, 2019 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant quota.…

Entry Sticker Implementation

This notification is only available in Indonesian. Berdasarkan Surat Edaran Rektor nomor 0862/UN10/PS/2019, maka terhitung sejak: Hari: Senin Tanggal: 28 Januari 2019 Akan diberlakukan sistem stiker bagi kendaraan yang masuk ke kampus UB, sehingga Semua kendaraan yang masuk ke UB…