Category Pengumuman

Universitas Brawijaya Student Self Awareness

Universitas Brawijaya Student Self Awareness Have you confirmed that your data have already been updated in the Pangkalan Data Perguruan Tinggi? Visit: Make sure your Name and Data is up to date in the PD DIKTI system. Please check…

Period IX Graduation Ceremony of 2019/2020

Related to the Period IX Graduation 2019/2020, we would like to inform the following: Period IX graduation will be held on Saturday March 28, 2020 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant…

Period VIII Graduation Ceremony of 2019/2020

Related to the Period VIII Graduation 2019/2020, we would like to inform the following: Period VIII graduation will be held on Saturday February 15, 2020 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant…

Period VII Graduation Ceremony of 2019/2020

Related to the Period VII Graduation 2019/2020, we would like to inform the following: Period VII graduation will be held on Saturday January 18, 2020 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant…

Registrasi Mahasiswa Lama Universitas Brawijaya Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2019 2020 Program Diploma (Vokasi), Sarjana, dan Pascasarjana

PENGUMUMAN Nomor: 13618 REGISTRASI MAHASISWA LAMA UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA SEMESTER GENAP TAHUN AKADEMIK 2019 2020 PROGRAM DIPLOMA (VOKASI), SARJANA, DAN PASCASARJANA Diumumkan kepada seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya untuk melakukan registrasi semester Genap tahun akademik 2019/2020 dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: I. Registrasi…

Period VI Graduation Ceremony of 2019/2020

Related to the Period VI Graduation 2019/2020, we would like to inform the following: Period VI graduation will be held on Saturday December 14, 2019 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant…

Survey Kepuasan Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

PENGUMUMAN Bagi seluruh civitas akademika UB (dosen, karyawan, mahasiswa) maupun masyarakat umum.??‍???‍?????‍? Mari berpartisipasi dalam menilai kualitas layanan di Universitas Brawijaya.✍???? Caranya mudah, silahkan scan QRcode sesuai profesi/status anda dan asal instansi atau klik link google form yang tertera. Kemudian…

Period V Graduation Ceremony of 2019/2020

Related to the Period V Graduation 2019/2020, we would like to inform the following: Period V graduation will be held on Saturday November 16, 2019 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant…

Period IV Graduation Ceremony of 2019/2020

Related to the Period IV Graduation 2019/2020, we would like to inform the following: Period IV graduation will be held on Saturday November 2, 2019 in Samantha Krida Building UB. There is no cancellation, change, nor addition of graduation participant…