Diploma Program

The Diploma Program is a vocational education intended for graduates of secondary education or equivalent to develop skills and reasoning in the application of Science and/or Technology. The diploma program is aimed at preparing students to become skilled practitioners to enter the world of work in accordance with their field of expertise (Law No. 12 of 2012 – Regarding Higher Education).

Faculty of Vocational Studies has two department choices, namely the Department of Business and Hospitality (BDH) and the Department of Creative and Digital Industries (IKD).

The Department of Business and Hospitality offers three study program options, including:

  1. Applied Bachelor of (D4) Hospitality Management
  2. Diploma in (D3) Finance and Banking :
    a. Banking Interest
    b. Tax Interest
    c. Interest in Applied Accounting
  3. Diploma in (D3) Business Administration

While the Creative and Digital Industry Department consists of:

  1. Applied Bachelor of (D4) Graphic Design
  2. Diploma in (D3) Information Technology



Direktorat Administrasi dan Layanan Akademik  (DALA)
Gd. Rektorat Lt.2 Universitas Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran Malang 65145
Telepon : 0341-551611 dan 575777 ext. 117 dan 118 atau Langsung 0341-575754
Fax : 0341-565420 dan 575813
Website : http://akademik.ub.ac.id