
Undergraduate Program Selections

  1. SNBP
    The selection is carried out through non-written examinations and carried out nationally and simultaneously by all State Universities in Indonesia, is intended to attract prospective students who excel, both in academic and non-academic fields.
    For complete information regarding the schedule, registration procedures and so on, see the official SNPMB website:
  2. SNBT
    The selection is carried out through a written test and is carried out nationally and simultaneously by all State Universities in Indonesia.
    For complete information about the schedule, registration procedures and so on, see the official SNPMB website:
  3. Mandiri/Independent
    The selection is done through a written test independently by Universitas Brawijaya. In this selection, we’re open for international classes and English classes.
    For complete information about the schedule, registration procedures and so on, see the official website on:

Diploma Program Selection

This selection is called the Vocational Program Entrance Selection (SMPV). It is conducted through a written test independently by Universitas Brawijaya with the aim of recruiting prospective students who have the potential to improve their abilities and skills in certain fields.

For complete information regarding the schedule, registration procedures and so on, see the official website of UB’s independent selection: or through the UB Vocational Program website:

Selection of Special Programs for Persons with Disabilities (SPKPD)

Selection aimed at entry into the Undergraduate Program & Diploma Program. Conducted through administrative selection and interview tests conducted by the Center for the Study of Disability Services (PSLD) Universitas Brawijaya in collaboration with the New Student Admissions Committee and related Study Programs.

For complete information about the schedule, registration procedures and so on, see the official website of UB’s self-selection: or through UB’s PSLD website:

Graduate Program Selection

The selection is intended for entry into the Masters and Doctoral Programs for various fields of science, both exact and non-exact sciences. Held 2 times in one academic year, for odd semesters and even semesters.

For complete information about the schedule, registration procedures and so on, see the official website on :


Direktorat Administrasi dan Layanan Akademik

Gd. Rektorat Lt.2 Universitas Brawijaya
Jalan Veteran Malang 65145
Telepon : 0341-551611 dan 575777 ext. 117 dan 118 atau Langsung 0341-575754
Fax : 0341-565420 dan 575813

Email : [email protected]